Facial treatments help to improve and re

Facial treatments help to improve and restore circulation to facial skin layers, increasing the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to skin cells. This rush of blood to the skin gives your skin a healthy glow and plumps skin cells with vital nutrients and water, which reduce the appearance of wrinkled and dry skin. Nutrients like blood, vitamins and minerals found in the blood, along with adequate hydration, help develop and maintain new skin cells, essential for a youthful, healthy appearance.

Aryas Genius – Breast Enhancement Testimonial

Listen to our latest testimonial! It’s an audio review in Chinese for our Aryas Genius – Breast Enhancement service.

Click Here to listen to the testimonial 

Schedule an appointment today at Fremont Laser Med Spa 510-744-1582! We are located in Fremont, CA but conveniently located near the following areas: San Jose, Cupertino, San Francisco, San Ramon, Walnut Creek, Oakland, and Marin County.

Hormone Replacement Therapy: FAQs

Women starting to go through the menopause more than often have a number of issues relating to taking hormone replacement therapy.

Menopause can be quite a challenging time in a woman’s life and it is a point when those ladies go through the most change, constantly becoming tired and also anxious and often experiencing anxiety attacks and night sweats.

HRT is usually prescribed in order to help ease these symptoms so ahead are five frequent things many women ask regarding HRT.

What exactly is hormone replacement therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is a frequently used medication to help reduce the discomforts of menopause. Synthetic hormones include advantages as well as disadvantages.

Lots of women find that after using replacement therapy for several weeks, the side effects and symptoms of menopause will be less frequent. HRT can easily be administered in a number of varied forms.

Oral pills, skin patches, needles and even vaginal gels are all forms of hormone replacement therapy. Ladies using replacement hormones are in most cases given the smallest practical dosage for the shortest amount of time.

So what are the positive aspects of hormone replacement therapy?

Certainly, there are quite a few short and long-term benefits of taking replacement hormones. Just about all adult females taking hormones commonly feel an added sense of well being after taking hormones for several weeks.

It reduces night sweats, stress attacks, vaginal dryness, headaches and migraines.

Likewise there are long term plusses of having hormone replacement therapy.

Individuals taking hormone therapy have a lowered chance of getting osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and macular degeneration.

Females that want to alleviate the unwanted symptoms of the menopause would be wise to look into taking replacement hormones.
Are there side effects of taking hormone replacement therapy?

Most definitely. There can be both short and long-term side effects of having hormone replacement therapy. Women using these hormones frequently report various short-term side effects. Some of these comprise queasiness, headaches, increased vaginal discharge and fluid retention.

Excess weight gain is also noted, but researches indicate that taking hormones can not in fact lead to weight gain; it is essentially instigated by a slower metabolism. In addition, there may be long-term effects, some of which are continually being researched.

Some investigation demonstrates that taking hormone replacement treatments will sometimes lead to greater possibility of some types of breast cancer and endometrial cancer.

The question is, should certain women avoid using hormone replacement therapy?

Some females are discouraged from taking hormones. Women that have unexplained vaginal bleeding or a background of endometrial cancer should not take hormones.

Additionally, women with suspected breast cancer or a history of breast cancer are discouraged from taking hormones. Other women who should not take replacement hormones are those with chronic liver condition or those who have a history of blood clots or strokes.

A medical professional can easily help determine which women should and should not take hormone replacement therapy.

Do all ladies take hormones?

No, a number of women prefer to cope with their symptoms of menopause by having alternative or natural remedies.

There are many herbal supplements and vitamins and minerals that are thought to assist with menopause.

Females are able to also help aid menopause by consuming a nutrient rich diet, having regular activity and cutting down the amount of emotional stress they come across each day.


If you have any questions or are interested in hormone therapy, contact Fremont Laser Med Spa today to book a consultation!

Our office is conveniently located in Fremont, CA but is easily accessible to those living in the areas of San Jose, Cupertino, San Francisco, San Ramon, Walnut Creek, Oakland, and Marine County.

Testosterone Deficiency: Prevention & Treatment

Testosterone is a male hormone. Besides promoting libido it has other important functions such as maintaining muscle mass and forming bone, and regulating heart muscle and cholesterol. It also helps to improve the oxygen levels throughout the body as well as controlling blood glucose and strengthening the immune system. As men age, the pituitary gland produces less free testosterone while more free testosterone is being converted to estrogen which results in many health problems. Below are some helpful tips on preventing & treating low testosterone.

With Foods

1. Oyster and crustaceans

Oyster and crustaceans contain high levels of magnesium and zinc that is a natural aromatase inhibitor playing a key role in regulating testosterone levels as well as improving circulation of blood to the penis vessels.

2. Cabbage

Cabbage contains vitaimn C, iron, calcium, and potassium. It not only helps in exhibiting the estradiol-restricting properties as other cruciferous vegetables, but its fiber also helps to control weight gain resulting in a decreased risk of estrogen binding.

3. Dark green leaf

Dark green leaf juice contains high amount of vitamin C and E, besides helping to reduce levels of cholesterol, high blood pressure and regulate blood glucose resulting in improved blood circulation to vital organs in our body. It also helps to fight the forming of free radicals and rejuvenates our cell and cleans up the clogged up receptor sites that helps to raise levels of testosterone.

4. Goat Meat

Goat meat contains high amounts of protein, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Iron specifically offers the added benefit of raising levels of oxygen in the blood that is essential for providing nutrition to cell needs. High protein and zinc are two nutrients that help to optimize free testosterone levels and muscle-building.

5. Egg

Egg contains zinc, iron, vitamin A, antioxidants, protein and testosterone. The antioxidants and testosterone present in egg have an effect in testosterone-boosting ratio of saturated fat to polyunsaturated . The high amounts of vitamins B5 and B6 in egg also helps to balance the hormone levels in our body and fight stress. Overloading with eggs may increase levels of cholesterol but eating one egg a day is ideal for vitalizing and regenerative effects in resulting more production of testosterone.

6. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries contain vitamin P (bioflavonoid) that helps to promote health by strengthening capillaries, protecting blood vessels from clogging up, other connective tissues and muscle building in the body resulting in improved blood circulation and immune system in fighting the forming of free radicals.

7. Cold water fish

Besides plenty of omega 3, cold water fish is an excellent source of vitamin A and zinc that help the binding of sex hormones, specifically testosterone and estradiol.

With herbs

1. Sting nettle roots

Sting nettle root binds to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in place of testosterone resulting in a reduction of SHBG binding of free testosterone, therefore helping increase the levels of free testosterone. It also promotes healthy prostate gland that helps to stimulate the sexual desire.

2. Muira Pauma

Muira pauma is stems and roots of a ptychopetalum plant in South America. It has been used as an aphrodisiac, tonic and cure for muscle paralysis and strengthening the liver function that helps to cure the hormone imbalance in aging men. Study shows that muira pauma is a libido enhancer.

3. Yohimbe

Yohimbe contains the compound yohimbine that has been used as a major ingredient in several prescription drugs for impotence. Yohimbine helps impotence caused by poor circulation and emotional problems resulting in raising your testosterone levels and your libido.

4. Milk thistle

Milk thistle helps restore the liver function that helps to eliminate the surplus of estrogen and sex hormone binding globulin that allow the increasing of levels of free testosterone.

5. Saw palmetto

Saw palmetto help to promote prostate health and increase sexual stimulation. It also helps estrogen and estrogen receptor activity resulting in a healthy hormone balance, thus increasing sexual desire in men.

6. Maca

Maca is a vegetable root or tuber that grows in the high Andean plateaus of Peru at high altitudes. It helps our body to nourish the pituitary gland that help to increase the production of our own human hormones such as testosterone.

7. Tongkat ali

Tongkat ali has been shown to raise testosterone by stimulating the leydig cells of the testicles to produce more testosterone. Tangkat ali also helps in supporting erectile function and ejaculatory function as a direct consequence of increasing the size of male penis and sexual desire.

With natural approaches

1. Cut down intake of saturated fat and trans fat

Our brain needs fat to function better, but unhealthy diet that is high in saturated fat and trans fat causes not only the build up of the abdominal area but also increases the risk of hormone imbalance by stimulating the binding of sex hormone binding globulin which clogs up testosterone receptor sites resulting in low levels of free testosterone and sexual desire. By reducing intake of above fats and replacing them by fish which contain high amounts of omega 3 and 6 will help to block the binding of SHBG, thus increasing the amount of free testosterone as well as libido.

2. Reduce intake of alcohol

Excessive drinking impairs the function of liver resulting in hormone imbalance as well as increasing the levels of estrogen in both men and women.

3. Stop smoking

Cigarette is a stimulant that not only increases heart beat but also causes the depletion of oxygen levels in the blood stream. It also increases binding of SHBG resulting in lowered levels of free testosterone.

4. Replace carbonated beverages with dark green juice

Carbonated beverages are absorbed more readily and it suppresses the testosterone production in men. Dark green juice contains a high amount of antioxidants, zinc, iron, vitamin C, etc. that not only helps to restore the damage of cells but also prevent the formation of free radicals. Dark green juice also reduces the binding of SHGB, nourishes the pituitary gland, thus increasing the production of free testosterone.

5. Moderate exercise

Walking 50 minutes a week will help to improve the circulation of oxygen levels in the bloodstream and increase the human growth hormone as well as helping to regulate the testosterone levels in the body.

6. Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are equally important to our body, as well as maintaining sexual activity and vitality, and should come from whole foods and balanced diets.

7. Put on a happy face

Stress drains your body energy by causing the metabolism to fluctuate, thus changing your body normal physical and emotion functions resulting in fluctuation of testosterone production and hormone imbalance.

Want more information? Check out our website to see if low testosterone treatment is right for you.

iLipo Groupon Special

One, Two, or Three iLipo Fat Reduction for Face, Jawline, Chin, or Cheeks at Fremont Laser Med Spa (Up to 72% Off)

ilipo face groupon

Check out our Groupon Special!

Choose from Three Options

  • $99 for one iLipo face treatment (a $350 value)
  • $225 for two iLipo face treatments (a $700 value)
  • $349 for three iLipo face treatments (a $1,050 value)

During the procedure, a licensed professional uses a series of noninvasive, laser-emitting pads to target fat deposits on the face. The laser light in the pads perforates the fat cells, causing the contents to disperse and be metabolized through exercise and the body’s natural pathways. Typically in two or three sessions patients will see a more defined jawline and chiseled cheeks, but more treatments may be required depending on personal expectations.

Want more  information about iLipo services? Our website has tons of videos and articles about the procedure.

Testosterone Deficiency: Symptoms

Testosterone is a male hormone. Besides promoting libido it has other important functions such as maintaining muscle mass and forming bone, and regulating heart muscle and cholesterol. It also helps to improve the oxygen levels throughout the body as well as controlling blood glucose and strengthening the immune system. As men age, the pituitary gland produces less free testosterone while more free testosterone is being converted to estrogen which results in many health problems. Below are some of the symptoms one will experience when having low testosterone.

1. Decreased sexual function

As we mentioned in the last article, starting at age 40 levels of testosterone start to diminish. The levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT thus triggering low levels of testosterone resulting in sexual dysfunction.

2. Loss of bone density

The brain and bone are the important tissues that have the primary effect of testosterone is by way of aromatization to 17² estradiol in the bones. 17²-estradiol accelerates maturation of cartilage into bone, leading to closure of the epiphyses (a rounded end of a long bone) and conclusion of growth.

3. Loss of muscle mass

As men start aging or damage of pituitary gland, extra estrogen builds up in the body causing low levels of testosterone being produced resulting in loss of muscle mass. Testosterone effects can be classified as anabolic effects that include growth of muscle mass and strength, increased bone density and strength, and stimulation of height growth and bone maturation. Testosterone effects can also be classified by the age of usual occurrence.

4. Memory loss

Low levels of testosterone allows beta-amyloid, a toxic peptide to accumulate in certain regions of the brain causing memory loss.

5. Abdominal fat

Fat cells create aromatase enzymes that contribute to fat build up and low levels of testosterone which allows the forming of abdominal fat that produce more aromatase enzymes resulting in more formation of estrogen. It also causes insulin resistance by increasing fat around the stomach/waist area and fat mass.There are more symptoms of low levels of testosterone such as timidity, feeling of weakness, and passive attitude.

Want more information? Check out our website to see if low testosterone treatment is right for you.

Testosterone Deficiency: Causes

Testosterone is a male hormone. Besides promoting libido it has other important functions such as maintaining muscle mass and forming bone, and regulating heart muscle and cholesterol. It also helps to improve the oxygen levels throughout the body as well as controlling blood glucose and strengthening the immune system. As men age, the pituitary gland produces less free testosterone while more free testosterone is being converted to estrogen which results in many health problems. The causes of low testosterone are as follows:

1. Aging

As we mentioned in the previous articles, human aging is the biological and pathological processes that vary from person to person and that are controllable to some degree. Starting at age 40 levels of testosterone start to diminish. The levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT thus triggering low levels of testosterone.

2. DHEA deficiency

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a substance made by the adrenal gland. It is the precursor of the sex steroids estrogen and testosterone. DHEA has some male hormone effects and deficiency of DHEA contributes to fatigue, poor concentration and diminished overall body functions.

3. Zinc

Zinc is a natural aromatase enzyme inhibitor. It helps to block the conversion of testosterone into excess estrogen. Inadequate zinc levels block the pituitary gland from releasing lutein and follicle stimulation of hormone which stimulates the production of testosterone.

4. Aromatase

Aromatase is an enzyme of the cytochrome P450 superfamily, whose function is to aromatize androgen and produce estrogen. As men age they produce greater amounts of aromatase enzymes that cause the conversion of testosterone into estrogen resulting in male hormone deficiency.

5. Liver disease

Damage to liver causes extra estrogen and sex-hormone binding globulin resulting in lower levels of testosterone.

6. Frequent sexual activity

Normal sexual activity helps to improve the yang qi in the kidney according to Chinese herbalists (that is the reason why most kings in Chinese history have some sources of sexual dysfunction). Frequent sexual activity (more than once a day and every day) will cause the depletion of yang qi resulting in low levels of testosterone, sexual dysfunction and libido in the future days.


Want more information? Check out our website to see if low testosterone treatment is right for you.